
Free Art Activities for Preschoolers on Mary Martha and Jesus

Mary and Martha - FREE printable preschool Bible lesson

Jesus met many people during His ministry on globe. Two women He met were sisters named Mary and Martha. When Jesus visited, they had 2 different reactions. We read about them in Luke ten:38-42.

Fundamental Points:

  • We must put Jesus first.
  • Jesus wants us to listen to Him.
  • We shouldn't allow other things to distract u.s. from Jesus.

Lesson Guide – Mary and Martha

Ask your child what they would do if the most important person they tin can remember of was coming to visit? Talk with your child about what preparations would exist made. Think about what food would exist served and what decorations might exist used.

When Jesus came to visit Mary and Martha, how did they react? Martha was very worried about everything existence perfect. Mary chose to simply listen to Jesus. Create a game by placing x sheets of paper on the floor in a directly line. At diverse points forth the path, place sheets of paper going off the pathway. At the end of these detours, place a unmarried visible care for. At the finish of the straight path, place a box with a much better treat. Explain that each square is one step and they merely become ten steps for the game. They can go on whatever path. Your kid may choose to get only up the directly path to the big treat. If they choose to take the side paths, they will be left without the turns needed to reach the big treat.

Subsequently you finish the game, talk about distractions. The little treats distracted them (or not) from the much bigger treat. Many times, in life, nosotros will have to choose between what is more important or less important. Is information technology more important to read the Bible or a comic book? Is it more than important to get to church or a sporting effect? Play a game of more important. Say something like cat and canis familiaris and allow your child to choose which they feel is more important and why. Include items such as the Bible, praying, or having a relationship with Jesus.

Y'all may also depict the items on a paper. Write God at the top and so other things in descending order of importance. If too many items are overwhelming your kid, select ane category such every bit food and take them listing which foods are more than of import to them. Remind them that God gave usa food. Introduce the thought of good, better, best.

Speak about how Martha was too busy doing skilful things to spend time with Jesus. Emphasize that she wasn't doing bad things, but at the wrong fourth dimension. We must be conscientious not to prioritize things over God. Practice the 'big things commencement' action with your kid mentioned in games and activities.

Mary had to choose to whom she would heed. She could cull to let Martha make her leave Jesus or choose to mind to Jesus and not let Martha distract her. Mary chose to listen to Jesus and ignore Martha. We should never heed to someone who tells u.s.a. to leave Jesus. Play a game of giving your kid directions to follow to a surprise. Plow on the television, play music, or create other distractions. Remind them to not let the other things drown out your voice or they will not hear the directions to the surprise. Read Psalm 46:10.

Talk about ways nosotros tin larn from Jesus today. We might non exist able to sit at His feet physically like Mary did, simply nosotros can read His words. Ask the child where we discover Jesus' words.

Give thanks God that He is the best thing. Ask Him to help you never be distracted past things of lesser importance.

Video lesson for children

Free Printable Bible Story

Games and activities

Big things outset

This activity is a fun experiment and important lesson that teaches united states nearly priorities. Exercise ahead of time, so you lot take the correct quantities when doing the action with your child.

You volition need, big rocks, pebbles, sand, h2o, and a jar. First ask your child to fit the items into the jar, smallest to largest. The jar should be too full to fill in all the rocks.

Next echo the activity with largest items first until everything fits.  Speak about how nosotros must put God first in our lives.

My solar day photos

Throughout the day, ask your child to accept photos of their daily routine.

Impress out the photos. Inquire your kid to pivot the photos onto a length of cord in the correct order.

Throughout the calendar week, you could use a marker pivot and ask your kid to motion it throughout the day as each routine takes identify.

Fast Food

Lay out ingredients to make a simple sandwich or snack. And so inquire your kid to make it as quick as possible. You lot could also plow this activeness into a competition. Speak about how when we rush things and are too busy, we often miss the enjoyment of the action, make more than mistakes and a bigger mess.


Gratuitous Bible Coloring Pages – Mary and Martha

Crafts – Make your own Watch

Help your children retrieve to make fourth dimension for Jesus with this simple sentry arts and crafts.

You lot will need:

  • Template page,
  • Coloured pencils,
  • Pair of scissors,
  • Glue,
  • Fastener pin (brad).

What to do:

  1. Colour the template page.
  2. Cut out the parts. Enquire an adult to help with the lookout hands.
  3. Prepare the hands to the clock face up using a fastener pin. Glue the larger circle to the back then, glue it onto the strap.

Download the lesson for Gratis



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