Discussion Ideas and Questions to Teach "Watchful unto Prayer Continually" by Elder David A. Bednar

Questions to Ponder

Thanks so much to the volunteer who provided these questions. Sign up to help next General Conference!

  • The seasoned topis stood on a mound to give them a better view of the impending danger. How has counsel from our "watchman on the tower", the prophet, protected or helped you or your family? When have you been blessed by following the prophet?

  • Elder Bednar said the cheetahs were relentless in their strategy of distraction and diversion. How is Satan relentless in his attacks? How can we be relentless in our defense? What do you do to combat temptations?

  • Elder Bednar discussed three lessons he learned from the experience of watching cheetahs. What does it look like to follow this counsel in our daily lives?

  • What other lessons can you identify from the story of the cheetahs and topis?

  • When have you seen beguiling bad that pretends to be good? What did or can you do to avoid being deceived?

  • What can you begin doing today to be more vigilant?

  • When have you had an unexpected or unusual prompting from the Holy Ghost? What did you learn from this different type of prompting?

  • How can remembering that Satan seeks to make us confused, unhappy, and to hinder our eternal progression help you in the choices you make?

  • What are some specific things we need to do to prepare so we will not fear as it states in D&C 38:30?

I loved Elder Bednar's talk with the cheetahs and topis, "Watchful unto Prayer Continually" (October 2019) #teachlikeachicken #GeneralConference #Prayer

Send this cheetah coloring page home with parents to help review the lesson with their families.

Discussion Ideas

  • There are a few cheetah and topi videos you can show to draw further gospel parallels as Elder Bednar suggested. I don't love watching the eating parts but it would certainly get the attention of your class if you played one in the beginning. I'd leave the sound off and narrate it yourself. Remember, you have to get permission before showing these non-church movies from your organization's president.

    • Topi Take Down by Cheetah Musketeers

    • Cheetah Tag Team Takedown Topi

    • Cheetahs Hunt a Topi at Masai Mara! (shaky in spots but good example of the slow moving through the grass first)

  • Go ahead and watch the Spiritual Crocodiles video (about 8 1/2 minutes) from President Boyd K. Packer. What similarities are there from his talk with Elder Bednar's? You can use this to lead into Elder Bednar's first lesson, "Beware of Evil's Beguiling Disguises."

  • Draw Lehi's dream but with animals instead. Where would your class put the cheetahs and topis? Why? What can we learn about the cheetahs by putting them in that spot of Lehi's dream? What new perspective does it give us about the three lessons Elder Bednar shared?

  • I love the image of the cheetah under Lesson #3. The eyes are super intense. What would happen if we thought of the adversary in this way every single day from the moment we wake up until we go to bed? How can it help strengthen us? Are we taking the attacks from the adversary seriously or is his distraction method working?

  • Make a defensive strategy on the board. Draw x's where the adversary might attack. You can draw a home, school, church, etc. on your map. You can even say this x is going to attack with Lesson #1 from Elder Bednar. Then have your class help you think of ways to strengthen your strongholds like Captain Moroni did. How are some of the new changes in the programs we are doing at church helping us build these strongholds?

  • Read the three verses of scriptures that accompany the title of Elder Bednar's talk (Alma 34:39; Moroni 6:4; Luke 21:36) then discuss what "watchful unto prayer" means and what it looks like in our daily lives today.

  • Sing or study Hymn #259 "Hope of Israel." The Chorus says, "Sound the war-cry, 'Watch and pray!'" What does that mean? How can we do that? What counsel does Elder Bednar give?